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Desperate need for government change expressed across the country

Posted on August 31, 2023 by admin

Glen Motz, MP

Summer provides a great opportunity for Members of Parliament to reconnect with constituents across their ridings. It also offers a chance to visit other ridings. 

Having recently returned from time in New Brunswick and southern Ontario, I can confirm that Conservative support is incredibly strong. Sadly, I can also verify that the rising cost of living is negatively impacting people across this country. Increasing interest rates, fuel, grocery, and utility costs have exceeded monthly wages and incomes of fixed earners. Families cannot make ends meet. Business owners are concerned that the Liberals’ blind push towards ‘green’ initiatives will force them to juggle between reinvestment, status quo, or business failure due to growing costs. Frustration with government is evident, but so is fear, as people anticipate continued increases in costs and taxes. 

Individuals, agricultural producers, small businesses, manufacturers, and industry all say that Canada is in desperate need of change, beginning with the removal of the current government. This position, often referenced by media as an Alberta or western sentiment, was echoed by everyday folks and business leaders throughout eastern Canada.   

The change these Canadians are seeking is a Conservative led government committed to fixing the country’s economy. They also want to see the implementation of critical policies such as justice reform, public safety, housing, and health, as opposed to the current ideological programs which only serve to divide Canadians.

Interacting with eastern Canadians reminded me that Conservative values are worthy of preservation. In the Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner riding we embrace this important concept, but it was encouraging to know that no matter where one resides in our vast country, this belief is deep-rooted.  Repeatedly, I was told a Conservative government is not only wanted but is desperately needed if Canada is ever to regain common sense decision-making and get back on track. On this we can all agree.

Visiting various farms, greenhouses, manufacturing facilities, and other businesses, we had great discussions about energy, agriculture, trade, the national debt, rising costs, supply chains and future opportunities for Canada and our local regions. 

One of the most impactful visits was The Village of Hope, a faith-based drug and alcohol regeneration facility dedicated to helping individuals overcome life controlling drug and alcohol addictions. Located in a beautiful setting in central New Brunswick, the facility’s engaging program is designed to regenerate students spiritually, emotionally, and physically, as well as establishing a good work ethic, learning employment skills, experiencing inner healing, and rebuilding broken family relationships. 

With a success rate of over 70 per cent, the Village of Hope is proof that redirecting funding to treatment services – and not free drugs to prolong addiction – is a model that should be replicated in communities across the country if we are ever going to get Canada’s addiction crisis under control. Based on the success of its programming in New Brunswick, the Village of Hope recently purchased the Eston College facilities in Eston, Saskatchewan to expand drug and alcohol addiction recovery into western Canada. To learn more about this inspiring facility visit:

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