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From the Archives of Western Newspapers

Posted on February 27, 2025 by admin

By Samantha Johnson
For Southern Alberta Newspapers

February 23, 1894 – The Moose Jaw Times

At a devotional ceremony yesterday at St. Basil’s Church, Archbishop Walsh proclaimed, “It is my duty, among other things, to pray for the church and clergy, as the church is passing through a storm of persecution brought on by a body of fanatics whose spirit is nothing less than that of a demon because it could emanate from no other source.”

In New York, much surprise was generated by the arrest of Erasmus Wiman, former manager of a mercantile agency, builder of Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad and prominent advocate of the annexation of Canada to the USA. He is charged with forgeries amounting to $229,000 and has been committed to the tombs in default of $25,000 bail. Through various acts of embezzlement, misrepresentation, concealment, breaches of agreement and misuse of power, he was able to steal this sum between 1888 and February 1893.

F.C. Cotton, member of the BC provincial legislature and publisher of the News Advertiser in Vancouver was found guilty of contempt of court on February 20 for refusing to answer certain questions with regard to transfer of stock. His committal will be on March 1 as he is presently attending the session of the House in Victoria.

February 26, 1910 – Coleman
Miner and Carbondale Advocate

The third disaster to the Coleman hockey team came within a single week when Macleod, with banners flying, snatched away Coleman’s laurels. As usual, a number of rowdies accompanied the Macleod team and their conduct was anything but manly.

There was a holdup at Coal Creek last week with the robbers gaining $1,800 in cash and cheques and making a clean getaway. Mr. Quinney of the Trites-Wood Co. went up to Coal Creek as usual to bring down the day’s collections. He was joined by Mr. Baird, head grocery clerk of the same firm, as both men made their way down the hill to catch the midnight train back to Fernie. They were accosted by two masked men in the shadow of the jail building.

J. Clouston of St. John’s, Newfoundland has manufactured a soft tan, durable and pliable leather from the skins of cod and sent a sample to E.D. Arnaud, the Canadian Trade Commissioner at Bristol.

February 27, 1914 – Empress

Work on the Royal George Hotel is progressing rapidly. Mr. Engelbrecht stated work on the foundation was delayed due to the extreme cold weather last Saturday. Thus, he will be unable to get the roof on this week but hopes to accomplish this task by Monday or Tuesday next week.

Many residents in Swift Current had their first glance at the dancing of the tango last week. Why so much has been written about the suggestiveness of the dance was not apparent. The tango itself is not graceful and the lady needs to be a contortionist and an actress combined. The prominence given to this dance by newspapers is responsible for the notoriety it has gained. Otherwise, it would have died a natural death long ago.

The Wm. Jolliffe is one of the most famous tugboats in maritime annals. When Captain Holmes Newcombe of the government fisheries spent a Sunday morning in May capturing the Seattle fishing boat Valiant, he sealed the burden of hatred the Seattle fishing fraternity have for the Jolliffe. When a new boat, 25 years ago, she was the pride of the Mersey and one time towed a wrecked vessel from the Cape of Good Hope back to Liverpool. For the past three years, the Jolliffe has been engaged in fisheries protection on the Pacific Coast and has a habit of rousing out Seattle fishermen who take refuge in the coves and harbours of Vancouver Island during inclement weather. 

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