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By Kenyon Stronski
Westwind Weekly News
As was talked about at Cardston’s Jan. 24 regular meeting of council, the Cardston golf course is planning on having a new clubhouse operational in the near future. Recreation is a major part of Cardston’s strategic plan moving forward into 2023 onto 2025, with their goal being to maintain existing infrastructure while also enhancing recreation facilities, opportunities and programs.
The town’s hopeful outcome of this goal is to, “Continue to improve and update the recreation master plan including golf course assets. Establish effective and ongoing ways to receive valuable input from the community regarding recreation needs. Establish better processes and protocols for the engagement of community champions, committee ideas and other inputs. Alongside this outcome there are some initiatives they have highlighted which includes working towards getting the new golf course clubhouse operational by the 2023 golfing season.
The town also looks to improve the communication interface between the community, parks and recreation committee, administration and council so they can better facilitate community champions and new recreation ideas moving forward into the future.
Also in their strategic plan is a focus on community development where Cardston’s goal is to enhance the town’s position as a great place to visit, live, work and invest. The hopeful outcome of this goal is highlighted in the document.
“Review the Town’s involvement in development of land for housing or business. Look at town investment from a return on investment perspective including both financial and social benefit. Determine appropriate partnerships for projects such as fibre to the home and industrial and residential development.”
With this, they’re hoping to attract not only new residents to the Town of Cardston but also more businesses.
Highlighted in strategic initiatives for the plan is to look into bylaw and strategies from other municipalities regarding issues such as development cost sharing, community development corporations and tax incentive programs. Cardston is also looking into investigating logistics and costs of historical signage on main street which will enrich the history of the town and the downtown core.
Cardston also wants to continue to explore the future position of the Town in regards to prohibition, however, as stated by Mayor Maggie Kronen at the Jan. 24 regular meeting of council – they want to have the support of the population before making any drastic changes.
“ The options were changed in the Alberta parliament from having a binding plebiscite to simply having council have the capacity if they wish to change the legislation and allow for alcohol to happen. The ball is in council’s court, but I also know this council wants to know what the population wants. It’s one thing to change the culture of a town, but another to do it with approval.”
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