Current Temperature
By Kenyon Stronski
Westwind Weekly News
The following are selected briefs from the March 13 regular meeting of Cardston County Council.
Unfinished Business:
After receiving a request from the Magrath Water Commission on a connection last meeting, council went over some new information on the issue that arose at the current meeting however still decided to defer the item to the next regular meeting.
Council also received some bids on lease land around the Del Bonita area where it was decided to grant the lease land to a Mr. Helgeson.
Requests for Decision:
As the world slowly begins to move to more green forms of electricity, be it wind, solar or hydro, Cardston County is no different; being host to a variety of areas that would be suitable for a wind farm. Council discussed some areas that would be suitable for green energy infrastructure in the county, however they deferred the item to the next meeting.
Council additionally received a donation request from Magrath Disc Golf for their 2023 season. It was moved to donate $200 to the society for the season.
Sticking in Magrath, council would also review a donation request for $1,500 for assistance in purchasing an artificial pitching mound for the Magrath and District Little League. After some discussion, it was decided by Coun. Wayne Harris to donate $250 out of his own councillors fund while council moved to donate the remaining $1,000 form the Community Donations fund for $1,250 in total.
After a break for lunch, council returned to the chambers to find a request for fencing the west side of Range Road 274. It was moved by council for administration to bring back a revised proposal of the item at the next council meeting.
To end the section, County council reviewed a 2023 draft for their strategic plan and deliberated some changes to go along with it. The draft was accepted with the recommended changes.
Additional Items:
Coun. LeGrande Bevans brought a proposal forward to council relating to lease land around Cricklewood before excusing himself from the chambers to allow the remaining members to discuss the issue. It was moved for council to accept the proposal and that the County cover the seed cost if the land is required before the lease expires.
Closed Session Items:
County Council entered closed session at 2:14 P.M. and reopened the meeting to the public at 2:45 P.M.. During the closed session, it was relayed that council discussed resident road signs, blood tribe meetings, a seed drill sale and Hill Spring.
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