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Stirling town council meeting minutes

Posted on April 27, 2023 by admin

By Kenyon Stronski

Westwind Weekly News

The following are selected briefs from the April 5 regular meeting of Stirling town council. 


Stirling council recognized Stirling School and other volunteers within the community for hosting the Girls 1A Basketball Provincial Championship. In the minutes it was noted there was great feedback from the participants of the event. 

Items for Discussion:

Annual financial statements from 2022 were submitted by Ridge Utilities Ltd. and were brought forward to council as information. This is to stay in compliance with the Municipal Government Act in respect to municipally-controlled corporations, as is stated by the minutes. 

Council also accepted the accompanying operations report as information. 

Stirling’s mill rate also came up as an item, however it was deferred to the April 19 meeting. 

The second and third readings of Bylaw 534-23 were carried. The bylaw relates to fees, rates and charges. 

Rounding off the discussion items, it was carried by council to proclaim May 8-12 as Economic Development Week in Stirling. 

Showcasing their importance, the minutes state, “Communities rely on economic development professionals to promote economic well-being and quality of life; for communities like Stirling that means coordinating activities that create, retain, and expand jobs in order to facilitate growth, enhance wealth, and provide a stable tax base. 

In recognizing these days of importance, administration and council wants to remind individuals of the importance of the celebration which supports expanding business opportunities and making life better. 

Meeting Reports:

Coun. Matthew Foss had nothing to report while Coun. Gary Bikman mentioned sitting on the Community Futures Board. 

Mayor Trevor Lewington had a busy couple of weeks, beginning with providing the opening remarks for the ASAA Provincials 1A Girls basketball during the opening ceremony; saying, “Stirling School did a great job hosting the event.”

He also attended the Quarterly Four Mayors Meeting which was between Cardston, Magrath, Stirling and Raymond. Participated in the Annual General Meeting for Ridge Utilities Ltd. and attended the SouthGrow Economic Development Forum. 

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