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Canada needs a government built on certainty and stability

Posted on December 3, 2020 by admin

While Canada’s Conservative Opposition continues to responsibly flex its parliamentary muscle holding the federal government to account on its questionable decisionmaking, the Trudeau Liberals persist in making a mockery of our democracy.

Their bullying tactics are habitual.

Proroguing parliament in the midst of a pandemic to stop a deep-dive examination into ethic failures and corruption is an epic example. Impeding committee work with irrelevant speeches and redacted documents hinders transparency, while declaring a legitimate Opposition motion as ‘nonconfidence’if voted favorable by the majority, is unwarranted obstruction more closely aligned with a dictatorship.

With its left-wing ideology, uncontrolled spending, debt, which at its present levels will burden generations to come, and with no logical plan to address unemployment or foreclosures or any other post-pandemic fallout, those behind this Liberal disgrace are sacrificing Canada’s future in exchange for self-preservation.

Canadians, however, are increasingly aware that the Liberal spin is detrimental to our country’s prosperity and our individual successes. Canada is not okay and Conservative leader Erin O’Toole has thrown down the gauntlet -a roadmap that inspires hope by getting Canada back on track.

We know that the pandemic has caused unprecedented fiscal and social upheaval. We are facing more than a health crisis. Canada is facing its greatest economic crisis of our lifetime. Difficult times call for unprecedented measures, including deficit spending. This is not new, as during times of war, the Great Depression, and more recently in response to the 2008 financial crisis our Conservative government led the charge in rolling out a responsible smart stimulus package.

However, it will take much more than government handouts to get Canada back on track. Before the pandemic even hit we know half of Canadian families were just $200 away from insolvency. Middle-class Canada is struggling. We have been betrayed by elites on every level: political, financial, and cultural -whose values are centered on unchecked globalization and political correctness.

Balance has been lost. Today’s power is in the hands of a few corporate and financial elites, happy to outsource jobs abroad in the name of cost-savings, benefitting shareholders and not Canadian workers.

Canada prospered through capitalism and free enterprise. It brought liberty to millions and raised the global standard of living. Conservatives understand Canada is a community, not a corporation. The rate of unemployment is the most relevant economic indicator for the average Canadian family, not GDP growth. Our country needs policies that build solidarity, not just wealth. Policies focused on the core units of society -family, neighbourhood, and nation.

As Erin O’Toole has said, “The wellbeing of Canadian families is at the core of strong communities that in turn build a strong and prosperous country. Our goal must be the Common Good of all Canadians: The conditions which allow people … to reach their full potential.” Canadians need a government built on certainty and stability. Under O’Toole, Conservatives have a vision for Canada. To, “build back stronger, smarter, more inclusively.”

Glen Motz is the MP for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner.

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