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As the pandemic is finally loosening its grip on Canada, provinces are establishing gradual reopening plans to reconnect communities and revitalize economies.
While the schedules vary across the country, what is consistent with each restart is a calculation based on declining COVID-19 case counts, hospitalizations, including critical care and mortality rates, along with increasing vaccination rates.
As provinces focus on recovery, the federal government remains stalled, stuck in their slow, reactionary, and generally ineffective pandemic response. However, one thing we know is that Trudeau is anxious for an election in the hopes of securing a majority government.
By contrast, Conservatives are prepared with a plan to get Canadians back to work, ensure businesses and our economy can reopen successfully, borders are open, and families reunited.
‘Secure the Future’, is a five-point post-pandemic recovery plan based on a solid foundation of accountability, security and certainty that will: Secure Jobs -Every Canadian deserves the security and dignity that comes with a secure, stable, and wellpaid job. Conservatives will enact a comprehensive jobs plan to get Canadians back to work across the country, beginning by taking immediate action to help the hardest hit sectors, helping all those who suffered the most, assisting small business and providing incentives and opportunity to invest in, rebuild, and start new businesses.
Secure Accountability -By enacting a new Anti-Corruption law to clean up government’s unethical practices, Conservatives will establish the toughest accountability and transparency laws in Canadian history. The Conflict of Interest Act with consequential penalties, the Lobbying Act to end abuse by party insiders and increased transparency to end government cover-ups will be at the core.
Secure Mental Health -The pandemic has clarified the mental health crisis we face as a nation. The Canada Mental Health Action Plan will be introduced, making clear that mental health IS health, and to treat it properly. We will boost funding to the provinces for mental health care, provide incentives to employers to provide mental health coverage to employees and create a nation-wide, three-digit suicide prevention hotline.
Secure the Country -Creation of a strategic stockpile of essential products, while building the capacity to manufacture vaccines at home, will ensure Canada will never again be caught unprepared. Canada will become more resilient, reduce reliance on foreign countries like China, and take seriously our responsibility to protect the health of Canadians. We will build domestic vaccine production capacity by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to increase critical medicines.
Secure our Economy -Spending to protect Canadians during the pandemic was the right thing to do and Conservatives supported it. However, balancing the budget over the next decade is critical, as we cannot pass unsustainable debt onto future generations. Once the economic recovery begins, spending will need to be brought under control. We will scale down emergency support programs in a responsible way; create targeted and time limited stimulus measures to get the economy growing again.
There is reason for hope and optimism. The end to the pandemic is finally in sight, as is the Trudeau Liberals’devasting grip on this country.
Glen Motz
Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner MP
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