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Social media has made us oblivious to the ills of its use

Posted on April 8, 2019 by admin

“Court of Public Opinion” is in session, as of late, thanks to the almost nauseating barrage of social media platforms allowing everyone and anyone to post their thoughts and beliefs anonymously without any responsibility. Canadians are found “guilty” of this, that, and the other things before a chance to plead “not guilty.” Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? It doesn’t exist in today’s day and age, unfortunately. And it is dangerous. 

Sure, social media has a purpose and is a helpful tool, when used appropriately. But, it is often used negatively and with intent to cause harm in one way or another. It has become the norm for users to say whatever is on their mind without consequence — even political leaders elsewhere in North America have fallen under its greasy spell. But, no names are mentioned here. It is time social media and Internet users and abusers are reprimanded for their reckless, sometimes appalling nature online.

Words posted online can destroy lives. From the comfort of a home, office, automobile (or anywhere) — an online poster can say whatever they want. And in an instant, followers can view, like, dislike, or share. That means, without due care or attention, whatever a person says is forever somewhere swimming through the deep end of the online universe — often ready to pounce.

It’s not all doom and gloom. Social media has also saved lives, started revolutions, caught criminals, sold (products and/or services), and has been a part of most Canadians’ lives for quite some time now. It is a technological wonder, but it comes at a price. The Internet has created bridges, it has connected the world together, it has allowed its users to gain knowledge at an alarming pace — and, it has become an addiction. We binge everything at anytime.

Big Brother is watching us! And we’ve signed away our souls, so to speak.

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