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Bell Let’s Talk Day is Jan. 28, when Bell donates towards mental health initiatives in Canada by contributing five cents for every applicable text, call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk and through other means. It’s one day a year, when the national discussion highlights a global crisis, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health should be everyone’s concern! In November, the focus is on men’s mental health during Movember. Every day could be a moment to raise awareness about mental health — because it affects everyone or has or will at some point in time.
Feeling blue, depression, thoughts of suicide and despair can sometimes consume an individual, at any given time and for no rhyme or reason. It’s often quiet and under the radar. You or someone you know might be dealing with one of the above signs right now. It’s OK to talk about it! Friends, family, old chums, counsellors and other professionals are there for you or someone you might know that could use an ear or some help. It’s also OK to ask for help, when you need it most.
Leading up to the pandemic, during the pandemic and now, in the middle of the pandemic — there are, no doubt, a plethora of mental health issues facing Canadians — young and old. Every demographic in society, across the globe, is in the same boat — sailing on turbulent, unforgiving waters. But, there is a lifepreserver and one can hopefully navigate to land, safely and without too many scars — emotional and physical. The song from Bill Withers “Lean on Me” says it best, “Lean on me. When you’re not strong. And I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on.” We all have the ability to opinion — just being there, with an open listen, without giving any judgement or heart (as hugging is not often an option during these trying times).
All individuals have there very own truths. They trudge through the mud, they delicately try to maneuver through it like a bull in a china shop) to make it proverbial landmines (or sometimes go at and attempt to keep it together and do it through the day, week, month, year, life — unscathed. But, unfortunately, we all takes) throughout one’s varied life. That’s must encounter a foe (in whatever form it why it is vital to be able to talk about your stress, your feelings — whatever ails ya.
COVID-19 has indeed made us reach our limits. The pandemic has tested our resolve. We are each at our wit’s end, or so it would seem, as we wait for the nightmare to dissipate. In the meantime, we need to lean on one another. We need to take it easy. We must take time to breath, to enjoy the little things in life — taking baby steps along the way. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and life is too short to be a worry-wart. But, it’s easier said than done.
There are no age demographics immune to a mental health struggle — children, teens, singles, parents, grandparents, etc. Take time to notice if someone is struggling. Learn about mental health and be informed, so you can be at the ready to help a loved one, friend or even yourself.
Keep kind, be safe and stay healthy!
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