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Raymond Council recap

Posted on June 25, 2015 by Westwind Weekly

By Heather Cameron
For Westwind Weekly News

Progression of Firearms Bylaw delayed due to need for further discussion
Bylaw 1017-15, in regards to carrying and discharging of firearms and archery equipment, underwent some discussion prompted by concerned residents Rob and Vicky Brown in that they were concerned about the wording of the bylaw, as it makes every person involved with firearms and archery equipment sound like a criminal and also hurts/restricts users of the items in question.
Coun. Needham pointed out that Council does not make the laws; the laws are referenced from provincial or federal legislation and furthermore explained that the intent of the bylaw is to avoid giving violators criminal records, instead resorting to fines. CAO Scott Barton further explained that the bylaw was suggested by the RCMP to save any violators from gaining a criminal record.
When the Browns asked why the bylaw was being implemented at this time, Mayor Bohne explained that according to the Town’s legal people, there have been problems with airsoft guns and similar weapons and also said that until the issue could be explored further, second reading would be delayed.
Three Bylaws progress through readings
Coun. Depew made a motion to pass second reading on Bylaw 1018-15, which is working to establish raw water opportunities for residents, and the motion was passed by all except Counc. Ralph, who was not in attendance.
Coun. Needham made a motion to pass second reading on Bylaw 1019-15, an update of the current bylaw, which regulates the distribution of potable water for municipal purposes in the town that keeps it in accordance with current legislation, and it was passed by all in attendance. Counc. Depew then made a motion to pass a third reading on the bylaw and the motion was passed by all in attendance.
Coun. Holt made a motion to pass second reading on Bylaw 1020-15, which outline changes to the way tax assessments are issued to trailer parks in the town thereby placing the responsibility for the taxes for such communities on the owner per a land assessment with each individual trailer being assessed individually and allows the Town to collect on all taxes, and the motion was passed by all in attendance.
Town applies for federal grant to help with improvements
CAO Scott Barton stated to Council that an application was being prepared for the Canada 150 federal government grant of $500,000 that is intended to help with improvements on Perrett Park and the trail system and that the application was due June 17.
Discussion on Raymond’s Care Centre
During the meeting, Council shared a policy that explained that they were willing to take ownership of the Raymond Care Centre from AHS on the condition that the buildings are restored and made ready for occupancy as the Town is supportive of designating the site as a Provincial Historic Resource if the sites can be updated, otherwise it’s preferable that the buildings be torn down if they cannot be restored to the point where they can be safely occupied. Coun. Needham made the motion to accept the policy and it was passed by all in attendance.
Rotary Club invites Town to join in Rotary’s International Polio Awareness Day
During the meeting, Rotary delegation Val Boehme came forward with an invitation to Council to consider becoming involved in the Rotary’s International Polio Awareness Day that is slated for October 24th in any way they are able to. Mayor Bohne declared it a worthy cause to look at, put it on the agenda for the next committee meeting, and assign a Councillor to assist if the interest is there.
Duke Helgerson to be honored by Raymond Cultural Arts Society
Raymond resident Duke (Raymond) O. Helgerson, who passed away on April 27 is going to be honored by the Raymond Cultural Arts Society at the Town program on June 30.
criminal record.

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