Current Temperature
By Trevor Busch
Westwind Weekly News
At their April 28 meeting, Magrath town council made the decision to cancel their annual community celebration for 2020.
“The town regrets to announce that after careful consideration of the Chief Medical Officer’s recent direction that her order prohibiting mass gatherings will continue throughout the summer, Magrath’s 2020 July town celebration is cancelled,” reads a statement on the town’s website. “While disappointing, we also recognize that the health and safety of the town is out most important consideration.”
Fishpond Campground not Opening in May
The town’s campground at the fishpond will not be opened before June 1.
“While paying close attention to the province’s strategic relaunch that has planned provincial campgrounds to open on June 1, it is still felt that important factors specific to our campground experience require greater clarity and direction,” it was stated in a release. “Specifically, we are watching as to how the Public Health Order will be amended for public facilities which include the bathroom and camp kitchens ordered closed but are essential to our campground’s location. We expect that greater provincial direction will be forthcoming, and will reassess regularly to determine when we can open our campground safely.”
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