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By Nikki Jamieson
Westwind Weekly News
A Public Hearing will be held May 4 for a rezoning bylaw for a Raymond subdivision expansion.
During their regular April 6 meeting, Raymond town council performed first reading for a rezoning bylaw for a property on 200 West.
The property in question — 425 200W — is being incorporated into Phase 4 of the Bridge Crossing Subdivision, and is currently zoned as Urban Reserve (UR-1). The applicant is looking to have it rezoned, as General Residential (R-1).
According to a brief to council, the applicant was informed either an Area Structure Plan or a Conceptual Design Scheme would be required, in conjunction with a redesignation from Urban Reserve to another district, according to the town’s land-use bylaw. And, administration has taken the submitted Phase 4 Bridge Crossing Subdivision drawings as acceptance for the requirement for a conceptual design scheme stating — this area is to be included in Phase 4 of the subdivision.
The redesignation must be approved prior to the subdivision approval, which will go before the Municipal Planning Commission May 11.
The area is consistent with the town’s Municipal Development Plan and the rezoning is considered to be identified as a desirable change, which Mark Boltezar, development officer for the town, said “added some weight to it.”
However, one thing to consider was according to the town’s current Animal Regulations Bylaw — regarding Zone 1 and Zone 2 designation for the keeping of Animal Permits — would limit the ability for an animal permit to be kept on the lot, once it is rezoned to R-1.
“We recently changed that Animal Regulations Bylaw — I think it started this year — to update the map. Previously, the area had been Zone 2, and the new designation is Zone 1,” said Boltezar. “The Bridge Crossing subdivision has now been updated, and you aren’t able to get an animal permit for things like livestock, such as horses, cows, sheep and of that kind of nature in that area.”
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