Current Temperature
By Al Beeber
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Regional reservoirs are rising after recent rainfall but they still remain below normal levels.
An update by the City of Lethbridge on May 22 shows the Oldman River reservoir sitting at 62 per cent of capacity, still down from the normal range between 68 and 89 per cent.
The St. Mary Reservoir has risen to 63 per cent of capacity. The normal for this time of the year is between 69 and 83 per cent.
The Waterton Reservoir is also sitting at 62 per cent of capacity, down from the normal level of 69 to 83 per cent.
Earlier in the month most reservoirs were only about 50 per cent of capacity, according to recent reports.
In early April the Oldman Reservoir was only about 32 per cent of capacity while the St. Mary’s was at 20 per cent, according to a report made last month to the Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee of Lethbridge city council.
On April 19, voluntary water sharing agreements were announced by the provincial government with major licence holders in southern Alberta agreeing to cut water consumption during times of severe drought.
Both the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District and St. Mary River Irrigation District are allocating just eight inches of water per acre to customers this year, down from the normal of 16-22 inches.
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