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FCSS seeking volunteers for key programs

Posted on October 3, 2024 by admin

By Garrett Simmons
FCSS Communications

Volunteers come in all shapes, sizes and personalities.

For some, human interaction and socialization is a major draw. Others are more than happy to lend a hand silently in the background.

Family and Community Support Services provides plenty of opportunities for all types of community-minded citizens, in particular through two very important programs.

FCSS is in need of assistance for its Community Volunteer Income Tax Program across the region and the Meals on Wheels initiative in Coaldale.

Volunteers with the tax program are provided with a laptop, tax-filing software, and all of the required training to be successful.

“There are only a few qualifications for volunteers to help with the tax program. They just need to have a basic understanding of taxes and the rest of the training is done by the Canadian Revenue Agency, free of charge,” said Cindy Lauwen, Volunteer Services Co-ordinator for FCSS.

So not only do you get to assist your fellow community with filing their basic returns, but you also get to learn valuable skills.

“They do extensive training,” said Lauwen of the CRA sessions. “It’s done live, and it’s recorded, so you take the training whenever it’s convenient for you.”

The tax program has grown in popularity and with that, so too has the need for volunteers.

“We had completed over 500 tax returns for eligible individuals over the last year, and it just keeps growing,” said Kaitlynn Weaver, Outreach Services Supervisor for FCSS. “It’s an awesome volunteer opportunity. You can make a huge impact on others without ever leaving your home.”

Volunteers with a love of numbers can prepare as many returns as their time allows. Or they can complete a few returns every once in a while. Either way, it’s a service those in the community are extremely grateful to have.

“It’s very valuable for our seniors and our low-income families,” said Lauwen, who added getting their taxes done free of charge allows them to spend more of their money on basic necessities.

Having your taxes prepared and filed on time also allows residents to keep their credit and benefit payments on track and on time.

In Coaldale, volunteers who like to get out and be a little more social might want to consider helping out with Meals on Wheels.

“We partner with the Green Acres Foundation’s Sunny South Lodge in Coadale, as they provide the food and we deliver it,” said Lauwen, who added the service is designed for seniors over the age of 65, along with locals who may be dealing with medical issues, long-term chronic conditions or a disability, for example.

Volunteers pick up the meals, receive a list of that day’s recipients, a map and they are on their way.

“All they need is a valid license, access to a vehicle and a willingness to help,” said Lauwen.

Weaver added Meals on Wheels, delivered Monday through Friday, is a great opportunity for high school students seeking a lot of volunteers hours in a short period of time, along with multiple references.

But in the end, it’s also a great opportunity to get out and meet the wonderful people in your community.

“People who receive the meals benefit from having a nutritious meal every supper hour and they get that socialization as well,” said Lauwen. “When they get meals coming to their door, it really brightens their day.”

Through these two programs, Weaver added volunteers can fulfill their love of socializing and getting out in the community with Meals and Wheels or put their love of numbers and helping out anonymously through tax preparation.

“Either way you get that good feeling of helping out your community,” she said. “It’s kind of cool to have such diverse volunteering opportunities in just one agency.”

To learn more about these volunteer opportunities, contact Lauwen at or 403-915-7063, or visit and click on the red Volunteers button.

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