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• Updated recreation space provides residents with a sense of community
Alberta Health Services
Residents of the Cardston Health Centre are enjoying an upgraded and welcoming recreation space thanks to a donation from the Cardston and District Health Care Auxiliary Association.
The auxiliary generously donated much-needed tables and chairs for the room where residents create art, bake and engage in other social activities. More importantly, the table and chairs provide a comfortable space to build community.
“Without the table, it’s just a room,” says Vanessa Irvine, a recreation therapist at the Cardston Health Centre. “With the table and the chairs, they can gather and use the space for meaningful activities.”
The recreation room was renovated in 2022, updating cabinetry and storage to create a bigger, brighter and more accessible space; however, in the bright new surroundings, the old, well-used furniture really stood out.
“They were worn out and discoloured,” says Irvine. “When we got these new tables, it really pulled the whole room together and made it feel even more inviting. It’s a good space for the residents to come and be creative and express themselves and socialize with their peers.”
The tables and chairs are more than furniture. They are the base for music creation, baking, art, culture and community.
“Without the table and chairs, they wouldn’t be doing these awesome paintings right now,” says Irvine. “They wouldn’t be comfortably sitting, socializing with each other. They get utilized for so many more important and purposeful things than just sitting.”
The auxiliary, celebrating 60 years serving the Cardston community, were thrilled to see the impact of their donations. Auxiliary president Janet Wolsey says she is proud of the fundraising initiatives the group has accomplished, including an annual pie sale and running the health centre’s gift shop.
“I feel like it makes sense to help people,” says Wolsey. “I know there are so many people that are benefited by us serving in this area over the last 60 years, and I like to do it!”
Another recent donation to the Cardston Health Centre supported the purchase of a Broselow cart – a pediatric crash cart – for the emergency department. The colour coded cart provides fast and organized access to the appropriately sized devices and medications for children during an emergency.
“It’s awesome that we can help provide those kinds of things,” says Wolsey. “And the people that are in our little association all feel the same way. They want to help.”
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