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Dylan Purcell
Westwind Weekly News
Pure Power Wrestling’s July 15 show had the near-sellout crowd screaming and displayed some amazing wrestling prowess in and out of the ring, but for PPW owner Ed “The Gothic Knight” Gatzky, it was a disaster.
Gatzky’s commissioner, the formerly retired Bulldog Macbain was back in action to the delight of the crowd, unfortunately, he doesn’t get paid to body slam 50-something managers like he did to Vinnie Valentine. Valentine, the manager of former PPW champion Cyanide, was bullied into the match the previous month by the commissioner. Hardly a display worthy of upper management, and Gatzky let Bulldog know it after their match on the 15th.
Bulldog and current champ Travis “Heat” Copeland took on Cyanide and his aging manager and won on a technicality.
The two popular wrestlers were dominated throughout the tag-team match. Bulldog — remember, he’s supposed to be the PPW’s commissioner — was constantly entering the ring illegally to rescue Copeland.
Meanwhile, Valentine, who is no wrestler, left the heavy lifting to Cyanide. The masked mook took care of thing for the most part but inadvertently tagged Valentine late in the match when he was tossed toward their corner.
Despite no intent in the “tag,” Valentine was forced to enter the ring. From there, the league commissioner beat the civilian Valentine to a bloody pulp.
While Bulldog and Copeland taunted the vanquished Cyanide, Gatzky ran into the Fritz Sick gym to remind his commissioner that TLC matches, menacing chains and manager beatdowns were definitely not part of the job. The brutish Macbain didn’t back down and it will be interesting to see what happens next.
The wrestling evening had its share of controversy, none more controversial than when a sound gaffe cost Chris Perish a win over teenaged Jumpin’ Josh. Josh has been battered and bruised for weeks at the hands of his fellow wrestlers and was set for another before Perish was distracted by the sounds of The Irishman’s entrance music blaring over the speakers.
One thinks that a full-time commissioner could stop such embarrassing mistakes from happening.
With Perish rattled by the potential appearance of his old friend (now bitter foe) Josh seized the moment to claim his first win.
Karma would bite Josh in the butt before the night was through. After heavyweight champion Massive Damage earned a narrow victory over the Big Sexy Beast, he was jumped by “Cougar Meat” Kyle Sebastian.
Sebastian won a title shot thanks to his Power Rumble victory at Set it Off in March and cashed it in right there, with Massive Damage bleeding on the canvas. Cougar Meat eschewed good taste in favour of revenge and called out Jumpin’ Josh to be the referee.
As Cougar Meat pinned the champ, Josh could only pause before professional obligation forced him to make Sebastian the new heavyweight champion.
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