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By Laura Balanko-Dickson
Westwind Weekly News
Magrath’s golf club has had “challenges” dealing with the fluctuating restrictions in Alberta.
Despite this, Gina Nelson, manager of golf operations at Magrath’s golf club says, “there’s a lot of stuff that’s starting to get going.”
There will be things like “rakes” and “ball washers” put back out onto the course. Moreover, Nelson says they will be moving forward with their regular junior league, hosting some events and introducing a “reciprocal program.”
“There’s been challenges with all the restrictions and things like that. But with everything lifting up it’s kind of getting back to normal, which is more fun because we have more ability to do things like our junior league,” says Nelson.
However, Nelson admits, “there’s still things we need to be cautious of.”
“With the restrictions, we are allowed to put [course amenities] back out on the course. But, we’re just kind of waiting,” Nelson says. “We’re waiting until next weekend before putting those out there. This means rakes can go back in the bunkers, ball washers can go back out there, they haven’t been out there since pre-COVID now,” adding, “carts will still be sanitized after each use, as well as, door handles, pop coolers, anything like that.”
Despite some hesitancy to immediately bring things on the course back to “normal,” Nelson says, “our junior league is starting up soon.”
“Our junior league is going to start July 5 and it will run every Monday starting at 2 p.m.,” says Nelson, “people just need to sign-up by June 25.”
That’s not all you can expect from the junior league either. According to Nelson, the Magrath junior league will “have a few events we are going to try and hold.”
“One is going to be in Magrath, one is going to be in Cardston and one is going to be in Raymond,” says Nelson, adding, “those dates will be posted kind of as we get going throughout the summer.”
“Essentially, it’s just getting to play at another course and it would be $10 per junior,” says Nelson, “it gets them their food and prizing.”
“We’re not sure if they’re going to want to do something like that, but we’re putting it up, as an option,” says Nelson, “if they don’t want to go to another course — they will go to their regular course, at their regular league time.”
The Magrath Golf Club is also introducing a “reciprocal program” for its members.
“Between Magrath, Cardston and Raymond we got what we call our reciprocal program,” says Nelson, “members at any of those courses can show their member card at one of those other locations and they might get a discount on their green fees,” adding, “unless there is already a deal going on already. Then you can’t double-up on the discount.”
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