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Be elective, be, be elective

Posted on January 24, 2019 by admin

Two elections are on tap in 2019 — provincially and federally. That means Albertans will be heading to the polls in the spring and later in the fall. Soon, Albertans will be able to research candidates up for MLAs in their riding, once an election is officially called. This is an important step in the democratic process — voting, without research is harmful to its process. Going willy nilly into the polls is a lot like playing Russian roulette, in a way.

Nowadays, it seems, political platforms and their parties dictate how a candidate must live, act, and react. This has always been an awful way of playing politics. Sure, when a candidate signs up to lead their party to hopeful victory in each riding and/or at the highest level — a candidate knows this, and is willing to “toe the party line,” so to speak. That is why, in all reality, it would be better to campaign as an independent. But, that unfortunately doesn’t fly in Alberta or in Canada, it would seem. Political parties are a brand. And brands sell — even though the marketing is distorted.

A conservative, liberal, or middle-of-the-road way of life is what’s offered to Canadians in the products offered to select during an election. A candidate is the party’s spokesperson, small-scale or large-scale. Consumers (voters) are bombarded with advertisements (party platforms and ideals) during a campaign — as voters must drudge through the BS to find some sort of truth-ness and/or real-ness through all the unnecessary mudslinging, often attributed to all sides in the election game. In the words of the video game “Mortal Kombat” — get in the ring and “FIGHT!”

It’s 2019 — Canadians don’t need a platform to adhere to when they vote. They need a superhero, a stand-alone person with their very own ideas and ways of the world, as opposed to those jaded and tainted. What matters, is who the person behind the campaign is, not what their party is “for” or “against.” It is time to root for the underdog. Give the independent a chance to shine, rather than the archaic political parties in the province and across the country. They have had their days in court.

This year, make an informed decision when it comes to who will be leading the province and country. There are many ways to find out more info about candidates provincially and federally. Traditional media (newspapers, radio, and TV), online news and other media, social media, and official candidate websites. It’s great to vote, but to be an informed voter is the best way to move the province and country forward.

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