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World peace is an unachievable pipe dream – it would seem

Posted on February 6, 2020 by admin

World peace is next to impossible to achieve when those within a country’s own government can’t get along and/or find a compromise. This goes for a province’s government, as well. In Canada, in a minority or majority-type scenario, different parties find it difficult to find common ground on pretty much every issue – it seems. America is the same and pretty much any other country follows suit, unfortunately.

“Give Peace A Chance,” “All You Need Is Love” and so on. Terms of endearment, that are empty promises these days. Better days, are often on the wish lists of the powers that be – but, at what cost? War is not over. John Lennon’s song hoped war would be over and this epiphany would help change the way the world approached world peace. But, it didn’t Sure, there has been some progress. War is inevitable, but still a choice. Highly preventable. Words are weapons, and could be used as such. If you want it.

Foreign diplomacy is just that. Words are used instead of brute force. A much better ending for all involved. No one dies and we all live to see another day. And change can happen in lieu of regret(s). Once war is provoked – no one wins and it becomes a literal crap shoot. In 2020, why is war even a part of the equation? Are money and egos to blame? In the past, it seemed that way. So why would a new decade be any different?

Instigation, provocation, intimidation and bullying are tricks of the trade for many politicians (big or small). Who has the bigger guns? Who will back down first? It’s a game and there are only losers. Too bad citizens of countries have to suffer for their leaders’ short-comings and ignorance. Because of a leader’s misunderstanding and/or just plain stupidity, at times, an entire population can be at risk of retaliation for something a leader said publicly and/or through social media. A leader should learn to censure one’s self before putting foot in mouth.

So, where does that leave the globe with world peace? In a pretty sticky situation, as always.

World peace could be attainable if the world elected their leaders for what they can provide rather than how much money they are worth or what party they bow down to. Leaders are born, not created by wealth and circumstance. Today’s leaders need to understand the world is watching and their time is limited. Be the change you want to see leaders. Leave a legacy, rather than a travesty or tragic end.

Peace sounds wonderful. People have preached about it for centuries, but have never really understood how to get there. They pretend, but in the end, does it really even matter? Of course it does.

Our lives depend on it.

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