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Remain vigilant and together we’ll get through this

Posted on March 11, 2021 by admin

Though most southern Albertans have the common sense to wear a mask, a few still think they’re above the law and choose to not wear a mask when out in public. Wearing or not wearing a mask is not a rights issue, it’s supposed to be a non-selfish health and safety measure to keep ALL southern Albertans safer. It’s science, not conspiracy or the government trying to trample on your rights. You’d think by now, a year into the pandemic, people would know better – but, some don’t and simply need to be reminded it’s not just you in the pandemic, it’s everyone in Alberta – young and old.

With vaccines rolling out, it’s more important than ever to still take precautions, so Albertans don’t have to go back into restrictions and lockdowns. We are all in this together. There is no “I” in team. There’s no time for a few to ruin it for the rest of us. Sure, we’ve heard it all before, and for the most part, most Albertans have been splendid and do their due diligence. But as for the five per cent, who feel they don’t have to play by the same rules – it’s not a game and nobody cares if you are inconvenienced because you have to wear a mask or wash your hands. Some Albertans do have a medical condition – for you, carry on. But for those of you that don’t have a real reason, as to why you think it’s acceptable to not wear a mask – grow up and take a hint from the majority of Albertans, and Canadians trying to chip in.

The message needs to be harsh.

Alberta is at a crossroads – COVID-19 cases are diminishing, thanks to the southern Albertans doing their part to ‘stop the spread’and ‘flatten the curve.’We are all tired. It has been an exhausting year of following guidelines and regulations for our own good. None of us want to – it’s a sacrifice, compromise and a collaborative effort by the majority of the province’s population.

Anti-maskers, sure you have a right to not wear a mask in your home, outside, in your vehicle and places where others have chosen not to wear a mask. But in public, it is the law to wear a mask – just like everyone else. The mask-wearing populace also has the right to tell a non-mask-wearing fellow Albertan to strap one one and take one for the team. Public spaces have always had rules and regulations in place – ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service,’no dogs allowed’and ‘washrooms for customers only.’Alberta has laws ALL Albertans are expected to follow – don’t drink/use drugs/text/use phone and drive, buckle up for safety, wear a helmet and newly-formed health and safety measures for farms. Why should the pandemic rules and regulations be any different? There has always been resistance to laws by some individuals.

‘Only you can prevent forest fires,’Give a hoot! Don’t pollute,’Reduce, reuse and recycle’and ‘wear a mask.’These are all slogans created to make a statement and remind people to follow the grain, rather than go against it. When one swims against the current, it becomes choppy and it isn’t very productive. Choosing not to wear a mask in today’s society is counter-productive.

We, as a province, need to be vigilant and follow protocols designed to keep us ALL safer and hopefully, keep us from coming into contact with a virus that has crippled the world and has killed so many globally. Collectively, most Albertans want to get back to basics and begin anew. Meaning, most Albertans want to go back to how things were prior to the beginning of the pandemic. It’s up to Albertans to make this happen.

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