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A total of three areas were dug up in connection with major leaks in town.
“The town crew has uncovered what they believe is the major leak. There have been very substantial leaks in the town’s distribution system and we contacted residents who were losing pressure and were able to identify the source of the major leaks and they have been rectified,” explained chief administrative officer Wade Alston.
“We are continuing to follow up with town residents and anyone who has noticed a loss in pressure to make sure we have addressed all the issues. And we will continue to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis.”
Three blocks were scoped with rental equipment last week, in an attempt to discover the problem and how severe it was.
Three major leaks were identified as the major source of the problem and we are continuing to follow up with minor leaks in the system (as well.)”
Typically, when water lines break, the water will come to the surface, however sometimes the water will find its way into the sewer.
“We are also approaching any residents who noticed a loss in pressure and then checking their manholes to see if there’s an increased flow,” said Alston of the town’s sewer lines.
“That’s potable water being lost through the distribution system . . . 120,000 cubic metres (could potentially be lost, per year if not fixed immediately).”
The issue was initially brought to the town’s attention late last year when the town first began monitoring the amount of treated water being billed to the residents paying for it.
“We really noticed a change from October . . . we began seeing major discrepensies in the fall (of last year.) We have been trying to track them all down and we feel now we have solved the problem.”
If you feel you have experienced a loss in pressure, or would like the town to look into a suspected leak, please contact Trevor Millward Director of Operations at the town office at 403-758-3212.
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