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Magrath Council Blurbs

Posted on April 2, 2015 by Westwind Weekly

By Karlene Skretting
Westwind Weekly News

Council appoints new Library Board
On March 24, Magrath Council approved the new Magrath Public Library Board. As the library prepares to move into the school following the school modernization, the board has important decisions to make going forward.
“I move that we appoint Gabriella Andersen, Kezia Bourelle, Dana Bruce, Scott Fletcher, Brent Gilson, Valerie Quinton, Kathryn Rhind and Christy ZoBell to the Magrath Public Library Board,” motioned Counc. Dahl. The motion was unanimously carried.
Council decided to take everyone that expressed interest in joining the board, with the assumption that a few may change their minds, and resign, or be unavailable to fulfill the commitments.
Counc. Dahl is also hoping that some of the board members may decide to join the Friends of the Library instead, to help fundraise and do some of the work that the board itself can’t do.
“I feel good about having them all,” he added, citing Stavely as an example of a community that has a successfully functioning larger library board. The average library board size is eight; Magrath’s currently sits at 11.
Rounding out the library board will be returning board members Laurie-Ann White, Counc. DeVar Dahl and Counc. Brenda Beck.
“I think the library board will be better served to have someone else be the board chairman, someone that is not one of the town councillors,” said Counc. Dahl as he sat as chairman on the old board. The library board will vote on a new board chair amongst themselves at an upcoming meeting.

Town of Magrath to advertise at Golf Course
On March 24 Magrath Council unanimously voted to take part in the tempered glass advertising at the Magrath Golf Club and support the local course.
“I move that the town participates in the tempered glass advertising at the golf course,” motioned Counc. Dahl.
It will cost between $300 and $310 for both the 2015 and 2016 golf season, pointed out Counc. Oliver who is also part of the Golf Course committee.
“I think the town should have a presence at the golf course,” added Dahl.
Dale Blumell, a passionate and concerned citizen, questioned where the advertising money will be allocated and what it has gone towards in prior years? Counc. Beck was quick to agree.
“It would be good to have those funds set towards where the community thinks is important … I believe when monies are taken in for something there should be a purpose and it should show, unless it is designated to be part of helping the general revenue,” stated Counc. Beck. Having a goal and following through is an important part of fundraising she added.
“I was on the board when (the tempered glass advertising sales) first started,” stated Counc. Baril who went on to say, “what they normally put it into is a course improvement fund. Call it what you want, the Golf Course needs improvements in all sorts of areas, not just the deck or building.”
Counc. Oliver said he would address the concern of where the advertising money is being spent at the next Golf Club committee meeting.

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