Current Temperature
By Stan Ashbee
Westwind Weekly News
Village of Stirling
Stirling’s free Flu Clinic will be held Oct. 24 from 3-7 p.m. at the Community Centre. This is for everyone aged five and up. Please bring your Alberta Health Card.
Town of Magrath
According to the Town of Magrath’s website, the weather forecast looks wet and cold later this month. For this reason, the town’s public works department will be shutting off the town’s irrigation network tomorrow instead of Oct. 4, as previously mentioned and scheduled.
This is being done to avoid frost damage to any of the lines and also because significant moisture is forecast to be falling in the community commencing today, according to the town’s website post.
Town of Raymond
A Town of Raymond council meeting was held Sept. 17. The following are council meeting highlights.
A delegation from the Farm Safety Society presented to council on their Safety Smarts and the Sustainable Farm Families programs.
Taber and District Community Adult Learning presented to council on their services offered in Raymond in regard to adult learning.
Bylaw 1041-17 or Code of Conduct Amendment passed second and final readings. The bylaw now includes a social media section for public members on committees of council.
Council voted to place the Japanese experience plaque in front of the town’s museum.
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