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Cardston County Meeting Minutes

Posted on July 14, 2022 by admin

By Kenyon Stronski

Westwind Weekly News

The following are selected briefs from the minutes of Cardston County council’s June 27 regular meeting of council.


Morgan Strate and Christopher Snelgrove arrived at the council chambers come 10:49 a.m. Both Strate and Snelgrove are Benchmark Assessment Consultants and they arrived before council to present information on assessments. The minutes note that the presentation was specifically on how campground assessments are reviewed.

Isabelle Deguise, director of Asset Development for Evolugen, arrived at 1:59 p.m. to present an update on the Spring Coulee project to County council. Deguise requested additional property tax support — citing that costs have risen due to inflation. A decision was made for this delegation, with council instructing administration to come back with proposals for tax support ideas at the next council meeting.

Additional Items

At 1:32 p.m. – Joe Thomas arrived at council to update and discuss council on a bylaw. The minutes say, “council reviewed the information provided on the Pincher Creek Bylaw amendment 1338-22 (Seasonal Campground). Council asked the administration to write a letter stating council has no concerns with the proposed bylaw.”

Coun. LeGrande Bevans requested Matt Aipperspach to come before council to discuss drainage issues surrounding Delber Beazer’s property. “Delbert Beazer has water pooling at low spots around his property and wanted to coordinate any rectifying of the situation with the council. It is an environmental concern and not one of the County’s. Council directed Coun. Bevans to relay the above information to Mr. Beazer.”

Next, Carol Johnson appeared before council to speak about County vehicles being parked on her land while the County was building and fixing roads a while back. Johnson said the vehicles trampled the land and removed all of the gravel that was once sitting there. Due to the issue, it was moved by Coun. Bevans for Cardston County to supply loads of pit run from the approach of the property inward. It is specifically instructed for it to be one to two loads if necessary.

This motion was carried.

Requests for Decision

An application was sent to County council and reviewed relating to a reduction in property taxes. It was moved by Coun. Tom Nish that the taxes be reduced by $100. The motion was carried.

Two requests for donation passed through councillors hands at their regular meeting — with one being for the Kainai Junior Golf Team and another being from Magrath Days. For the golf team, Reeve Randy Bullock decided to graciously donate $100 out of his councillors fund towards the golf team. The donation request from Magrath Days was more of the same, with council deciding to donate the amount of $500 to the event — which equals the same monetary donation as last year.

The motion to donate to Magrath Days was carried.

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