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By Kenyon Stronski
Westwind Weekly News
The following are selected briefs from the Oct. 12 organizational meeting of Stirling council and the Oct. 17 special meeting of council.
Legislative Board and Committee Appointments:
The Oldman River Regional Services Commission was appointed to the assessment review board, keeping their spot.
The Municipal Planning Commission with consist of members of council — Coun. Gary Bikman, Coun. Devyn Bohn, Coun. Matthew Foss, Mayor trevor Lexington and Deputy Mayor Larry Nilsson. The Emergency Management Committee will be the County of Warner regional Emergency Partnership and Lewington.
Council Standing Committee:
The following committee appointments were approved and carried by council.
For the Community Events committee, Bohn and Bikman will be joined by Aimee Donselaar, Emilie Foss, Brennan Lightfoot and karma McClenaghan. The Municipal Library Board will be Bikman joined by Ron Bore, Marsha Edwards, Karen Grinton, Tamara Hatch, Kaleigh Nelson, Heather Walter and Eliza Yawney.
External Board Appointments:
The councillors that will be sitting on the Chief Mountain Regional Solid Waste Services Commission will be Bikman with Foss as an alternate. Bikman will also sit on the Chinook Arch Regional Library system board, Community Futures Lethbridge and SouthGrow. Family and Community Support Services will see Nilsson sitting on their board, and Nilsson will also sit on ridge Country housing authority, Ridge Water Services Commission and the Stirling Historical Society.
Lexington will sit on the Regional Four Mayors Meeting, the Southern Alberta Chief Elected Officials and Warner County Regional Emergency Management Committee. Foss will warm seats on the Ridge Regional Public Safety Services Commission, the Ridge Water Services Commission and the Stirling Cemetery Society.
Special Meeting:
The meeting was motioned to move into closed session after being called to order, and after moving out of closed session — two motions were brought to the table.
The first was a purchase of property, and it was carried that administration proceed with the purchase of the property located at 225 – 4 Ave as indicated by the minutes for $165,000.00.
The second motion arising was a re-zone of the land around the property being purchased. It was directed that administration utilize Senior Planner Bonnie Brunner form the Oldman River Regional Services Commission to help craft a land use bylaw amendment to rezone the property from residential to commercial.
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