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Cry wolf — when politicians claim media bias

Posted on May 9, 2019 by admin

Some politicians — municipal, provincial, federal, and especially in the U.S. — need to stop blaming the media for reporting on a politician’s shortcomings as a leader or shedding light on a negative situation or issue. Yes, some media platforms are sometimes biased, but the majority of the media reports on the good and the bad without bias — whether right, left, or in the middle. There’s usually no bias when what comes out of the mouth of a politician is verbal diarrhea or a politician acts or reacts inappropriately or doesn’t act at all. The media, many times, has to bite their tongue, shake their head, and keep personal thoughts and beliefs in check, while reporting the news.

During the recent Alberta election, some politicians commented and complained about media bias. If a politician says or does something not well thought out — it is not the media’s fault. Maybe this would be a good time for said politician to take a look in the mirror for some self-reflection. The media is not always going to report or comment on politicians through rose-coloured glasses. It’s not always going to be butterflies, puppies, and moon beams. It is actually the media’s job to report on facts, but it is also its duty to provide content that is thought-provoking, while holding politicians accountable for their actions or inaction.

With a new government in place, it is the media’s mandate to convey information to the masses in a non-biased fashion. Through editorials and columns, the media will offer suggestions and/or present alternative ideas or another side of a story. Letters to the Editor/analysis/comments provide an opportunity for media users to also voice their opinion or let others in their community know if they agree or disagree and why. The media is a medium where residents can find out about what is happening in their respective areas or know what or how a certain politician (municipal, provincial, or federal) thinks. Without the media or even social media nowadays, what accountability would a government have?

When a politician wants to be elected and/or wants the public to know about something they deem positive, they turn to the media (newspaper, TV, radio, social media) to relay the message. But, when things go south or sour and the media does their job to report on the facts, said politician cries foul and bad mouths the media and transfers blame, like a bully. When said politician cries wolf about how they are treated in the media and then one day needs the media — who are they going to call?

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