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Keep holidays alive, even as an adult

Posted on October 31, 2019 by admin

Holidays, such as Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Days and the like are reasons to be a big kid. When holidays roll around it’s OK to smile, laugh and be jolly – no matter how old you might be. It’s a time to get together with friends and family and forget about what ails ya or allows you to take some time to live rather than always work. When a holiday is near or right around the corner – it is OK to be excited about said holiday.

It has been great to see all of the adults celebrating Halloween this past month, by dressing up and just being fun-loving and into the spirit of the season. Come Christmas, southern Albertans of all ages will begin to don ugly sweaters, sip egg nog and deck the halls. It will be nice to see, once again, as the holidays (of the Christmas variety) becomes ’tis the season.

Halloween night is a great time for parents to inform their kids of the candy tax. As kids bring home bags of candy goodness, parents can demand a percentage of the sweet loot. Or parents may wait until their children are in bed and will steal some of the candy, of course making sure to throw away any wrapper evidence. That is why some parents become parents. It is trick or treat candy-inspired.

Another way to keep young-at-heart, especially at Halloween, is to watch all the creepy classic horror movies or new soon-to-be-classics. Universal movie monsters are a good start such as “Dracula,” “The Wolfman,” “The Mummy” or “The Creature From the Black Lagoon.” One funny classic horror movie choice would be “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.”

At Christmas, parents can get into the holidays by buying cool toys for their kids (so they can play too) or organizing holiday parties such as a “Christmas Vacation” annual screening complete with Marty Moose egg nog cups and spiked egg nog. Christmas carol karaoke, white elephant present swaps, holiday gatherings and the like – are all important activities for adults of all ages.

Being young-at-heart is something all adults should aspire to be. It soothes the soul and sometimes maybe can increase one’s longevity. Life is too short to be The Grinch or a Scrooge – no matter what the holiday. Quit being a grump, if you are, and embrace and experience the good times.

Life is supposed to be “like a box of chocolates,” according to Forrest Gump. Chocolates are pretty swell and sweet. So, not a bad way to live life, comparing it to a tasty treat.

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