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Hunter attending blockade is not acceptable

Posted on February 7, 2022 by admin

Dear Editor:
I would like to comment on the disgraceful actions of Grant Hunter this weekend. For those not aware, the Taber-Warner MLA participated in the illegal blockade at the border this weekend. Many good innocent Albertans were blocked, delayed, and inconvenienced by the actions of those at the Coutts border plus many deliveries of important goods were delayed while Grant Hunter visited and tweeted his support of the illegal blockade.
While I fully support everyone’s right to protest, and I highly encourage you to express those rights, your right to protest should not infringe on the rights of other Albertans. Grant Hunter, you are an MLA. You have a responsibility to EVERY Albertan. Where is your support for everyone that was blockaded against their will and delayed for hours or more? How about your support for the RCMP trying to do their jobs and clear the blockade? You can tweet after the fact that you believe that the blockade should let people through but that doesn’t negate the fact that you were supporting an illegal blockade, and not a legal protest, in the first place.
For shame!
Micheal Bertie

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