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Labour Day Pancake Breakfast needs a new organizer

Posted on April 23, 2015 by Westwind Weekly

By Karlene Skretting
Westwind Weekly News

The Town of Magrath has decided to step back and discontinue their involvement organizing the annual Labour Day Pancake Breakfast, after doing it for the better part of 10 years.
During their April 14 council meeting Counc. Brian Oliver made a motion to cancel the Labour Day Pancake breakfast, unless another community group of volunteers steps up to take it over.
“The Town will no longer be doing the Labour Day Pancake breakfast,” he motioned. It was unanimously supported by those in attendance, but both Counc. Beck and Counc. VanEe were not at the meeting.
Originally the different church groups in town organized the Labour Day breakfast, with each congregation and denomination alternating years participating.
Eventually, it fell onto the Town’s shoulders and the Town feels that it has lost its original purpose of being a community-organized event for the whole community to enjoy.
Add to the fact that attendance has been poor the last few years, being the last long weekend of summer, it was no longer considered cost affective for the Town to purchase and prepare the breakfast food.
“If there are any other groups interested in taking over, they can contact the Town,” said Oliver.
The Town would gladly see a community group or club step up to continue the tradition.

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