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K-Laser is latest healing technology

Posted on August 6, 2015 by Westwind Weekly

By Karlene Skretting
Westwind Weekly News

Over the course of his 39-year career, Dr. Grayden Bridge has strived to provide the best treatments and techniques to naturally treat his patients. Most recently he has expanded his Raymond practice to offer cutting edge laser technology.
Cleared by the FDA as completely safe and effective, the Class IV K-Laser emits specific red and near-infrared wavelengths of laser light to induce a therapeutic effect on the body. These effects include increased blood circulation and range of motion, decreased swelling and pain, and faster or enhanced tissue repair.
“I think mine was the first Class IV K-Laser in all of southern Alberta. It is cutting edge technology,” said Dr. Bridge. Laser is an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
“The benefit of the laser is tied up in the fact that it catalyzes cells, meaning that it encourages the cell to heal faster and work better by increasing the metabolism (function) of the cells,” explained Dr. Bridge. He has seen the benefits of the treatment firsthand having recently treated himself for a sprained wrist.
Based on years of research the Class IV K-Laser has different, pre-programed computerized settings for different conditions and injuries. An average treatment session takes between four to eight minutes depending on the size of the treated area.
“I’d like people to understand it is safe. The only side effects might be a little bit of soreness after a treatment, but there is no damage to tissue.”
No protective clothing is required aside from special glasses. K-Laser treatments are suitable for acute, chronic and sports injuries alike, though treatment cannot be given to patients who are pregnant or have cancer.
Dr. Bridge has admistered over 50 K-Laser treatments on 12 different patients since incorporating the technology into his practice in early July. He has treated a shoulder and wrist injury, knee and neck pain as well as TMJ and hip joint complications.
“What my work is all about is trying to help people. Most people come in and I can help them with conventional treatments, but there is a certain percentage that don’t respond so well and are more difficult. I was looking for something to give me an edge to try and help more people.”
Dr. Bridge has had success with teenagers, adults and seniors. Most of his patients admitted to noticing a positive difference after just one treatment, with others becoming believers in the technology after three of four sessions. His patients are grateful to have the treatment conveniently offered in Raymond.
Sarah Court, a busy mother and longtime patient, has recently struggled with progressive knee pain and found relief with the K-Laser. After close to a month of having a fairly sore knee that was affecting her day-to-day activity and keeping her up at night she sought treatment.
“I was not really sure about the whole treatment, I was skeptical, but then after my second treatment I could tell for sure that it was starting to help,” said Court.
After five treatments, each of which were less than five minutes in length, the pain is “virtually all gone.”
The best benefit of the K-Laser
is that unlike other treatments that only mask the pain, this powerful laser treatment can permanently make patients pain-free, said Dr. Bridge.
Court credits the laser for the improvement, as it is the only thing in her busy active life that she has changed.
Another patient, Carol Porklab, fell over five-feet and her shoulder took most of the impact. She was unable to use her arm because of the intense pain and a lack of range of motion.
Porklab remembers needing help to do basic things like dressing herself because she couldn’t lift her arm.
She required a solution and Dr. Bridge’s K-laser was the answer.
“The painless application of laser energy promotes increased cell oxygenation at the affected area. This creates an optimal healing environment,” said Dr. Bridge.
After 12 treatments Porklab’s shoulder is healing and feeling better. “You can really tell the difference after each treatment,” she said adding that her laser treatments have been pain free and relaxing.
Porklab is happy to say that she can now fully lift her arm again, a feat she expected would take much longer than the month that it did, and for that she is grateful.
Sam Rompain, a highschool athlete, who loves all things sports was left worried about missing his soccer season when he kicked a ball funny and hurt his right thigh in early May.
After five treatments, spread out over a week-and-a-half, he was back to leading the team. He got to participate in the Southern Alberta Summer Games too.
“I didn’t think I could play for the rest of the season,” shared Rompain remembering how devestated he was. “It was awesome to not have to worry about my leg again.”
“Every time a patient thanks me for helping them to feel better, that is the most rewarding part of my job,” stated Dr. Bridge.
The cost for a single K-Laser treatment is $60 at Raymond Chiropractic. As part of a chiropractic visit it is covered just like a chiropractic adjustment if a patient has private chiropractic care coverage.
For more information on the K-Laser call 403-752-4042 or visit

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