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Cardston County Council briefs

Posted on January 30, 2023 by admin

By Kenyon Stronski
Westwind Weekly News

The following are selected briefs from the Dec. 12 signed minutes of Cardston County council. From start to finish, the meeting lasted just short of five hours.
Requests for Decision:
Some policy renewals crossed council’s table – the first being their Utility Policy which is part of a rotating policy review schedule. It was decided to ask administration to come back with a tiered rate system to be brought to the next meeting.
Just after exiting closed session, the second utility policy relating to water billing was given to council, and it was moved to approve the policy with the recommended changes that were brought forward by council.
Moving away from utilities, council turned their eyes to gravel royalties and the leasing of their gravel pit. No changes were made to the recommended policy and it was moved to accept the policy as presented. The Counties Schedule of Fees policy was also up for renewal and was approved by council with administration’s recommended changes.
Land Use Bylaw Amendments:
The second and third readings for Proposed Bylaw 810.2022 were deliberated by council. The application is to rezone two parcels of land, a 3.0 acre slot of land and a 4.5 acre slot of land from agriculture to Single Lot Country Residential; with the ask being to create a residential subdivision in the County. After some discussion the second and third readings were both given to the bylaw and it was passed into law.
Closed Session:
Multiple closed session rounds took place at the meeting, with the first being at 11:05 A.M. where council and administration had a meet and greet with an individual that had applied for their Shop Supervisor position. Council moved to enter closed session so they could have a discussion on human resources. After just shy of 40 minutes, council reconvened into open session.
Council’s next round of closed session began at 1:04 P.M. where they would discuss a variety of topics relating to inter-municipal affairs and it would last just shy of 50 minutes.
Resolutions that came from closed session were: Council discussed a past IDP meeting with the Town of Cardston that concerned library funding – no resolution was passed. County council discussed paying the Deputy Reeve for some additional time he spends on attending meetings on the rest of council’s behalf, and it was moved to pay him an extra $150 a month for the extra time.
A specific request for snow removal was brought forth to council for discussion, it was decided to accept the request as information, and it was asked to petition the Town of Magrath to take care of the “Magrath Road” dust treatment if the County were to grind it up and prepare it beforehand. No resolution was passed. Lastly, council discussed the possibility of expanding the County waterline east of Magrath and no resolution was passed.

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