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Cardston County council minutes

Posted on June 15, 2023 by admin

By Kenyon Stronski
Westwind Weekly News

The following are selected briefs from the May 23 regular meeting of Cardston County Council.

Business Arising from the Minutes and Requests for Decision:

After council reconvened following a meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission at 10:58 a.m., administration brought forth an item relating to a water hook-up. A few options were made available to council and after some deliberation council decided to proceed with the second option they were offered. 

Item 8.2 related to a Kainai Plaque and council discussed the message to be stated on the plaque for council chambers. Administration provided a recommended statement, and it was decided to move forward with the recommendation – furthermore Chief Fox will also be invited to the council meeting for a picture during the unveiling ceremony. 

Item 8.3 included a donation request for The Friends of the Remington Carriage Museum. The donation will go towards supporting their annual World Mini-Chuckwagon Championships. It was moved for council to provide a water truck for dust control and a further $500 for the event. 

After breaking for lunch, council came back to a request for a decision regarding road allowances within the County. 

Jim Holland and Shane Phillips attended the meeting within the chambers and spoke during the council’s discussion. It was eventually moved for council to allow the Public Lands Alliance, after preparing a proposal for council’s approval and signing a development agreement, to chip from Range Road 275 North of Township Road 12. A recorded vote was requested. 

Councillor’s LeGrande Bevans, Wayne Harris, Roger Houghton and Deputy Reeve Randy Bullock voted in favour of the decision while Tom Nish, Broyce Jacobs and Reeve Cam Francis voted against. 

Land Use Bylaw Amendments:

The first amendment to be brought forth to council was 812.2023 (Campgrounds). The bylaw and actions to take were deliberated, and it was moved for the Development Officer to make some recommended changes to the bylaw for it to be brought back to council for approval at a later date. 

Proposed Bylaw 819.2023 was given its first reading and a public hearing date was set for June 26 at 10:15 a.m. for members of the public to attend chambers and either listen to more information on the bylaw, or to voice their support or concerns. 

The last bylaw to pass through council’s hands was Bylaw 820.2023. This bylaw was also given its first reading and a public hearing was additionally scheduled for June 26 at 10:00 a.m.. 

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