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By Heather Cameron
Westwind Weekly News
The following are selected briefs from the Town of Raymond Council meeting that took place on April 2.
Public Hearing – Rezone Application Bylaw 1134-24
The public meeting regarding Rezone Application Bylaw 1134-24, Rezone from General Residential R-1 to General Commercial C-1, was opened after Councilor Sieben made a motion to recess the regular Council meeting and open the public hearing and the motion was carried.
The bylaw involves rezoning a property in the community from General Residential (R-1) to General Commercial (C-1).
Following that motion, Development Officer Tyler Nelson reported that first reading for Rezoning Application 1134-24 was held on March 5, and at that time, there was a motion made to go to a public hearing. At the time, Nelson said, Administration solicited comments from both referral agencies and neighbouring landowners and received neither.
Bonnie Brunner from ORRSC then spoke about how consideration has to be given to future land use, saying that when the MDP was prepared, the area in question was identified as potential for future residential, but that was based on a really long-term goal of having the transfer station relocated because there is a 300 meter setback for residential and almost the entire portion of this northern part of the property is under that restriction.
Brunner stated that though it’s not consistent with identified in the Future Land Use and Growth Directions Map 1 of the Town of Raymond Municipal Development Plan, which recommends “Residential Infill with an Open Space Component” for the area, ORRSC recommends consideration because it may be reasonable to have buffer between that more intense industrial development and future residential development. Brunner added that the types of uses can be made compatible with residential use in the surrounding areas, and the policy in the MDP says that future land use should be consistent with the map. Because of all those reasons, Brunner said, ORRSC recommended that it makes sense, plus it can comply with all the standards and provisions of the land use bylaw for all the district standards and requirements and there are a variety of uses there that are compatible including the fact that it is serviceable. Plus, Brunner said, all services and facilities are available or can be made available, including sewage, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection. As far as cumulative impact to the town, Brunner said, it is seen as favourable with limited commercial development, commercially zoned property that is vacant, so this would contribute to having more commercial opportunities. As far as the potential impacts on public roads, Brunner said, access would likely come from 500 North, but depending on the proposal, ORRSC would have to speak with Alberta Transportation about whether they’d grant any direct access. Brunner said that there is alternative access on the municipal roadway, however.
Given that there were no objections to any of the information, Brunner recommended consideration of second and third reading. With no other questions or concerns, Councilor Tollestrup made a motion to close the public hearing and the motion was carried. Councilor Sieben then made a motion to resume the regular Council meeting and the motion was carried.
Second and Third Reading of Bylaw 1134-24
Councilor Jensen made a motion for the second reading of Bylaw 1134-24 and the motion was carried. Councilor Kindt then made a motion for the third reading of Bylaw 1134-24 and the motion was carried.
Bylaw 1132-24 & 1133-24 Public Hearing Reschedule
Kurtis Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Raymond, shared with Council a letter written by Amelia Quinton, Administrative Assistant – Development with Town of Raymond, requesting that the Public Hearings for Bylaw No. 1132-24: Road Closure – Portion of East Park Street and Bylaw No. 1133-24 Assigning District to Portion of East Park Street be postponed from April 2 to May 7 due to the fact that the advertisement for the public hearings was missed until after the mandatory two-week window had passed. To fulfill the advertising requirements associated with these Bylaws, Council said, Quinton requested that Council consider passing a motion to reschedule these Public Hearings until the May 7 Council meeting. A motion was then made to reschedule the public hearings until the Council meeting on May 7 and that motion was carried.
High School Cemetery Clean Up Request
Administration shared with Council a request from Raymond High School that came to committee in March, a request that Raymond High School made to send some students to the cemetery to do some cleanup as part of a program through the school and they want to include not only athletes, but also the entire student population. That said, Administration shared, the high school is seeking Town approval for the project. Councilor Kindt made a motion to approve Raymond High School’s request to send students to the cemetery for cleanup projects and the motion was carried.
High School Golf Tournament Request
Administration reported to Council that Raymond High School submitted a letter to Council stating that they are hoping to host their 4th Annual Comet Classic Golf Tournament on June 14. The event, Administration stated, would be organized by Raymond High School staff, with close communication between the school and town, and the high school also requested the Town be willing to again donate use of the Hell’s Creek Golf Course for the event, with RHS staff working closely with Town employees to ensure that the course’s rules and regulations are followed. A motion was made to allow Raymond High School to host their 4th Annual Comet Classic Golf Tournament on June 14 at Hell’s Creek Golf Course, and the motion was carried.
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