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Harlan Taylor Run in the sun

Posted on July 9, 2016 by Westwind Weekly
The annual Harlan Taylor run on Saturday saw over 370 participants. The community came together early in the morning to join the 2,5, and/or 10 kilometre race. It just one of the many events during Celebration Days in Raymond.

By Jonathan Guignard

Many people from around from the community lined up to run this weekend in Raymond as part of the Celebration Days.

375 participants ran in the annual Harlan Taylor Run on Saturday, where they had the option to run in  the 2, 5, and/or 10 kilometre race.

Bea Steed organizes the event and said it wouldn’t be possible without the help of many around town.

“It’s run by a lot of volunteers as well as the town. The town is really supportive and we also got a lot of sponsors that you can see listed on the back of the t-shirts,” said Steed.

Volunteers are in charge of the food and door prizes along with the medal presentation. The town covers the safety aspect of the day and oversees the event.

The run draws people from all over including Kent Freeze who grew up in Raymond, but is living in Minnesota. For Freeze, it’s something he’s gotten used to doing over the years.

‘It’s tradition, I grew up here and I ran a lot of these growing up. I don’t always get to come back to Raymond. So when I’m here, I better do it,” he laughed.

Freeze said for him, the biggest challenge is controlling his pace.

“I get excited and tend to go a little bit too fast early on. I have to remember to start the race slow,” laughed Freeze. “I’m pretty out of shape, so finishing the race is sufficient for me.

Freeze always enjoys coming home and said this event is the perfect chance to see some of his old friends.

“It’s always fun to see people I grew up with and to participate. Just like all of the July activities going on in town,” said Freeze.

Sheryl Wilde came from Calgary and ran with her son in the race. She thought it was a great opportunity for her to show her children the value of exercise.

“I want to show my children the importance of fitness and activity. That’s why we’re are here, to do this together,” said Wilde.

Wilde gave birth two months ago and said her biggest challenge of the day was keeping up with her son. But at the end of the day, just being out with friends and family was enough for her.

“This is always a great race and always a lot of fun. It’s a great atmosphere, it’s family oriented and everyone enjoys it,” said Wilde.

The overall winners from each race include Brent Bester for the 2k, Dray Walburger for the 5k and Ryan Kershaw, who had the fastest time for the 10k.

Medals were also handed out to everybody who finished the race. The race was followed by a pancake breakfast at the Raymond and District Seniors’ Club.

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