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By Kenyon Stronski
Westwind Weekly News
The following are selected briefs from the Feb. 14 regular meeting of Magrath Town council.
Business and Financial Reports:
An audit report for safety codes was brought forward to council and was subsequently accepted as information. Council additionally received an application from a resident on North 2 Street West for four chickens, and the application to allow the resident to have four chickens was carried.
The bank reconciliations for both December 2022 and November 2022 came across council’s table and were both carried. Council also received several items relating to accounts receivable and some uncollected debt with council passing a motion to remove the remaining balance of uncollected debt from an abandoned property and a bankrupt linear property.
Administration’s Report:
CAO for the Town of Magrath, James Suffredine stepped forward to present the town’s operations since the last regular council meeting.
In a tabled resolution between Cardston County and the Town of Magrath, Magrath has interest in annexing part of the County’s property in the best interests of both parties. An open house detailing Magrath’s intent for the annexation will be held on the evening of March 23.
Suffredine mentioned he met with Westwind School Division and some municipal CAO’s in the area to discuss a Joint Use and Planning Agreement. Suffredine said discussing this agreement is required by legislation and “We will continue work to put together a draft document for council and the school board to meet and discuss.”
Some of Magrath’s Public Works were able to upgrade their licences to Class 3 which Suffredine states will greatly increase the flexibility of the town to conduct operations with town equipment as well as increase business continuity planning. Remaining on the subject of Public Works, Suffredine asked for further direction regarding a proposal for the addition of 16 new streetlights. This proposal was discussed and carried by council, and the new streetlights will be added to locations recommended by Fortis.
Councillor’s Reports:
Coun. Ken Baker was the first to step up and give his report on happenings since the last regular meeting of council, beginning by indicating he had a productive meeting with the Local Society Coordinating Committee.
Also sitting on the Golf Board, Baker gave a quick run-down on their Annual General Meeting where it was decided Rick Gildson will remain as Chair of the Golf Board with the only other change to membership being Jackie Chan stepping down as Vice-Chair on the board – leaving the position currently vacant.
It was reported Magrath’s golf course had a profitable year and they are hoping to being paying off debt to the town in 2024
Coun. Gerry Baril was next up to the plate where he began by reporting on the Chinook Health Foundation. It was brought to the attention of Magrath council the Lodge in Cardston is currently paying in excess of $1,000 a month for garbage removal. Baril also mentioned the need for additional firefighting training for Magrath’s emergency services and they are looking to move forward with said training.
Coun. Mark Bennett reported on the Magrath and District Ago Society Annual General Meeting where Kelly Millward was voted as the new president with Tammy Berezy receiving the position of Vice President.
Coun. Darryl Christensen sat on the Chinook Arch Library Board where he said all the various regional boards are trying to generate additional government funds for libraries. Also sitting on the Magrath Library Board, Christensen said the carpets at the library are being cleaned however during this the library will remain open. They also have some nominees for vacant positions on the board and when filled they will inform the council.
Coun. Cynthia Ralph reported on the Chinook Health Foundation getting an energy audit where it was revealed there was a vent that needed repair and once repaired it will reduce their energy cost by $4,000 a year. The Foundation is also moving forward with the needs assessment to work towards a new facility in Cardston.
Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Byrne Cook began by reporting on his scheduled meeting to be debriefed on the deer cull however this meeting was cancelled. It was brought to councils attention that some residents within Magrath are beginning development outside the community on larger lots that exist.Due to this, Cook asked if there was a way to designate some properties within town limits that would be suitable for larger developments on the outer boundaries of Magrath. No resolution on this issue was made.
Keeping with development, Cook said there has been discussion with local buildings contractors surrounding the potential development of some spec homes on some of the lots currently owned by Magrath.
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